​Creamcup Mini's
Miniature LaMancha Dairy Goats for the Modern Homestead
So - What's New ?
Just one more......
We are also pleased to announce that Creamcup Sparrow Silverlight, out of our FGCH Creamcup HC Sparrow, finished his FGCH in two shows this season, going BIS every time in the ring. Congrats to Angela Yorba Davidson for finishing this guy.
Yikes, it's been a while, hasn't it?
The last couple of years have gone by really fast!
We only attended one show this year, in CA. Creamcup HC Peppermint finished her championship at 8 years of age. Gotta love the longevity of these old girls!
Since we show very little, and the shows around here usually only have 2 judges, most of our girls that finish do so at advanced ages. We don't have any "flash-in-the-pan" animals that manage to finish in a single weekend as 2 year olds...... and then fall apart as mature does down the road.
At the same show, Creamcup Sunrise Legacy picked up her first GCH leg as a 5 yer old!
We expect she will finish next year. She already has 3 BU's under her belt
The weekend following the Reno show we dragged all the girls over to Plymouth for the last show of the season.
Sparrow got to stay home. Our big red girl, shown for the first time this year, Creamcup Sunrise Maluku managed to finish her championship going GCH and BIS under Rebekah Clarke and GCH under Ken Feaster-Eytchison while her daughter Sumatra managed 2 more RGCH and another BU.
Dear little CC Sunrise Legacy, while she couldn't to beat her herdmates this time did manage another Best Udder over both of them. Way to go Legacy.
Reno Potluck Show turned out pretty good too. Our lovely 6 year old, Creamcup HC Sparrow finished her championship by going Best In Show while First Timer Creamcup GM Sumatra picked up Reserve.
Under judge #2 Sparrow again went GCH (giving her 4 GCH legs) with Sumatra getting Reserve and picking up a second Best Udder.
First show of the season, Creamcup Mac Juniper picked up her first GCH and BIS her first time out of the barn! Thanks Donna Elkins!
Then Creamcup Sunrise Maluku went GCH and Best Udder under Dotty Clark HER first time out on the road.
Not bad for the first road trip of the year. CC Pistol Frangipani also picked up another RGCH to add to her collection.
6/2015 - Just back from the 3 ring Gold Country show in CA.
CC HC Peppermint scored again with a GCH and a RGCH. Her herdmate "always a bridesmaid" CC Alice d' Wonderland picked up the other 3 RGCHs.
Another yearling doe Creamcup Amaretto Zori was GCH/BIS for Amy Parker as well, and our yearling milker, CC Sunrise Legacy managed a Best Udder too!
May 2015 - Just returned from a really fun show in Wilton, CA.
We seldom show bucks but wanted to support the Buck Show so we brought out Red (CC Pumpkin Sunrise) and AL (CC Sizzle Chaparrel). Neither on has ever been off our property in their lives. Happily, Red went GCH and BIS under one judge and Al went GCH and BIS under the other.
In addition, CC HC Peppermint picked up a GCH leg in one ring and RGCH in the second her first time out.
10/2014 - Just completed the Reno Potluck show. Congratulations to Creamcup HC Sparrow, GCH, Best Udder and Best in Show. Our old girl Phantasma TBS Hershey Kiss took Reserve.
In the second ring, Hershey was named GCH. Not bad for a TEN year old doe. This is her 2nd TMGR leg. She is already a finished MDGA Champion.
Herdmate Sparrow went Reserve and BU.
2014 - We have just returned from the Motherlode Mini Milkers show in Placerville Ca. (photo left)
In Ring 1, 10 year old Phantasma TBS Hershey Kiss was GCH and Best Doe in Show. Her granddaughter Creamcup HC Sparrow was RGCH and BU.
In Ring 2, Creamcup HC Sparrow was GCH, BU, and Best Doe in Show, and Creamcup Pistol Frangipani was RGCH. Nice job girls.
2013 MDGA V Show
2013 - The MDGA Fall 2013 Virtual Show has been judged and the results are in!
Judges Penny Tyler (Ring 1) and Katie Wolf (Ring 2) both seemed to like the Creamcup Mini's. So much so in fact that they awarded Creamcup Honeysuckle and Creamcup Dream Ruby Best in Show respectively and Creamcup Deja Alice d' Wonderland and Creamcup Deja Kit Kat as Best Udders in Show.
Four different girls doing what the Creamcup Mini's do best. Wouldn't you like a Creamcup Mini of your own?
2012 - While we were only able to attend one show this year - it was a pretty good one for the Creamcup Mini's.
Creamcup Raven's Wing was Grand Champion and Best Doe in Show in both rings at 6 years of age. Good girl Raven!
In addition, Creamcup Dream Ruby and Creamcup Pistol Frangipani both received Reserve Grand Champion ribbons, too.
MDGA FALL 2012 All Breed Combined V-Show Results are in!
Creamcup Dream Fire Opal named BEST DOE IN SHOW and BEST UDDER IN SHOW in both rings under both judges. Way to go Opal!
If that wasn't enough - Creamcup Kumquat Chablis and Creamcup Dream Esmeralda were each awarded Reserve Grand Champion to Opal in the same shows.
News Flash:
Hershey completed her MDGA championship at 8 years of age at the Reno Pot Luck Dairy Goat Show on 8/27/12 with a Best Udder and Best Doe in Show win!
And, CH Spiritwind Kumquat was Best Buck in Show at 10 years of age!