​Creamcup Mini's
Miniature LaMancha Dairy Goats for the Modern Homestead
Creamcup Miniature LaMancha Dairy Goats are located in the high desert at the edge of the eastern Sierras, about 30 miles north of Reno, Nevada. We usually milk about 40-50 does and are the largest Miniature LaMancha herd in the US. We also have a few standard LaMancha does and one Nigerian buck.
Back in the olden days we lived in Oregon and we had a dairy herd of about 140 animals and usually milked between 60 and 80 head a day, by hand, by kerosene lamps or in the dark. Because we had no electricity, and no refrigeration, the milk was fed immediately to calves and butcher pigs, sheep, kids, of course, as well as dogs, cats, chickens, geese, horses, and the occasional zucchini.
We were on group test for a number of years, and showed all over Oregon and northern California. We had Toggenburgs and LaManchas. After nearly 20 years in goats we were forced to disburse the herd and move back to civilization.........
Many years later I bought a mini donkey from Margo Piver of Phantasma Farm. We drove up to Boise, ID to pick her up.......
At a goat show......
You can guess the rest.
(Yes - that's me in 1977.........)